
Oral Cancer: Fact or Fiction


Oncology specialists expect about 5,400 Canadians to be diagnosed with oral cavity cancer by the end of this year. About two-thirds of those patients are expected to survive. Those numbers could be much higher though, as most oral cancers are curable if detected early. That’s why we’re hoping to raise awareness and help as [...]

Oral Cancer: Fact or Fiction2024-06-27T12:44:04-04:00

Why are Teeth Cleanings Important


Your routine cleaning is about more than maintaining a beautiful smile. Each checkup has a significant impact on your oral health. Your general health and wellbeing are affected too. Dentists across Canada agree that getting your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year is enough to prevent most oralproblems. But what is it that you [...]

Why are Teeth Cleanings Important2024-06-27T12:07:20-04:00

All About Tooth Sensitivity


Ugh. That feeling, almost like a stinging sensation in your tooth. There’s no pain, quite like sensitive teeth. As though that sharp ache isn’t enough, it can end up ruining some of our favourite foods, like hot soup or ice cream cones. While we all may experience tooth sensitivity from time to time, sensitivity [...]

All About Tooth Sensitivity2024-06-27T11:59:10-04:00

Why are Dental X Rays Important?


Getting x-rays is nothing to worry about. Also known as radiographs, they allow your dentist to see inside your teeth. Viewing the whole tooth this way, including the roots, jaw, and facial bone composition makes it easier for your dentist to find and treat problems before they worsen. This article helps explain dental x-rays [...]

Why are Dental X Rays Important?2024-06-27T11:55:01-04:00

All About Teeth Whitening


You should be proud of your smile, it is after all, one of the first things others notice when looking at you. That feeling that you get when you make a good impression is a wonderful boost of self-confidence. In fact, your smile is so influential, that a survey by the American Academy of [...]

All About Teeth Whitening2024-06-27T11:48:39-04:00

How to Handle A Dental Emergency


Accidents will happen, and while most are avoidable, some things are just out of your control. If you were to trip and scrape your knee, you would apply an anti-biotic and sterilize gauze to ensure no bacterial infection forms; however, would you know what to do if you or someone [...]

How to Handle A Dental Emergency2024-06-26T14:37:24-04:00
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